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Red Wall & Stairs

 Mitwill Textiles &   University of Albstadt 

"Style2Garment" (S2G)

Style2Garment uses the NShot-Pro digitiser.
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Nhega Case Study Mitwill's S2G (First Draft)_Page_02.jpg

Envision | Develop | Create


Mitwill Textiles (France) partnered with the University of Albstadt (Germany) to launch a new fashion hub and service platform with the latest technologies in the Fashion and Garment industry. "Style2Garment" aka S2G, will offer end to end solutions to clients around the world. The new hub is equipped with the NShot-Pro automatic digitizer by Nhega technology, CLO3D 3D garment simulation software, Vizoo Xtex texture mapping software for 3D fabric simulation, and other next gen high tech systems. Besides counting with the latest technology, S2G also has an international team of experienced garment artists and specialists that are in charge of the projects.​

Purpose: To offer accessible, affordable, and sustainable fashion solution for everyone around the world.



How to take make your idea reality with S2G:

1-) Come up with an Idea & Inspiration <3

2-) Pick a garment and fabric style

3-) S2G pattern specialist designs and creates your pattern using sustainable sources

4-) S2G tech team digitizes the approved style with the NShot-Pro software

5-) Visualize the 3D garment (style, fabric, fit) with CLO3D software

6-) Ready for production!

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Facilitate digital and virtual
production by using state of the art technology to connect stakeholders and to streamline production of tangible/intangible goods.

Fabric mapping
NShot Camera digitizer Pattern
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Clo3D garment simulation
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- Global understanding. Our team is comprised of diverse individuals from all around the world.

- Smart Focus. Every step we take has a purpose.

- Always space to develop. We question our activities daily to improve the overall quality of our products and processes.

- Honesty. We share our emotions, humanity, strengths and weaknesses.

- Make tomorrow possible. We care about the wellbeing of our people, community and environment.

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